Compozer offers a user-friendly experience for integrating closed captions into educational videos, boosting accessibility for learners with hearing impairments. The platform supports the upload of VTT (Web Video Text Tracks) files, enabling creators to include pre-existing captions or create customised ones for each video.
The Closed Captions feature significantly broadens the accessibility of course content, ensuring that learners with hearing impairments have equal access to educational materials.
Closed captions are essential for learners with hearing impairments, enabling them to follow along with video content and fully engage with the course material.
Captions can support multilingual learners by providing text in different languages, enhancing comprehension and accessibility for non-native speakers.
Preview captions in real-time to ensure they are synchronised with the video content and meet quality standards. This feature allows creators to make necessary adjustments before finalising the captions.